Daughters of Jerusalem & Sisters of Mercy

Daughters of Jerusalem & Sisters of Mercy

Church of God and Saints of Christ
Temple Beth El - Chief Rabbi Phillip E. McNeil


Role of the Officers

Grand Officers: Appointed by the Executive Head of The Church Of God And Saints Of Christ. They are chosen from all regions and represent the entire church. Their work is three fold in nature:

  • To officiate in their offices at Passover, Assembly, and all general gatherings.
  • To supervise and help the work of the local auxiliary.
  • Be able to travel at the direction of Grand Father Abraham.

District Father Abraham

The District Father Abraham acts on behalf of Grand Father Abraham during his physical absence or at his direction when the Grand Auxiliary meets.  He executes all the work of the local Father Abraham in looking after the Daughters and serves the Grand Auxiliary in the same manner as the local Father Abraham.

Grand Mother Sarah

Grand Mother Sarah is the title given to the highest-ranking female officer of the Daughters of Jerusalem and Sisters of Mercy, and of the entire religious body.  She officiates at all general meetings of the Daughters, and she also has the authority to officiate at any and all occasions where the Daughters function.

Grand Rachel

Grand Rachel is the right-hand support of Grand Mother Sarah. She is the First Vice President of the Daughters Auxiliary.  She shall travel and assist Grand Mother Sarah with supervising the work of the Daughters in the various local Tabernacles.

Assistant Grand Rachel

The Assistant Grand Rachel carries out all the work and duties of the Grand Rachel in the absence of the former or in any case where she is unable to function (see Grand Rachel’s duties above).

Grand Leah

Grand Leah is the left-hand support of Grand Mother Sarah.  She is the Second Vice President of the Daughters Auxiliary.   She shall travel and assist Grand Mother Sarah with supervising the work of the Daughters in the various local Tabernacles.

Grand Martha (Secretary)

Grand Martha shall keep an accurate record of all Daughters’ proceedings at all gatherings or meetings where the Grand Officers are in charge.  She shall take the minutes of all general Daughters’ meetings and keep a record of the same.

She shall ensure that all local auxiliaries are informed or receive the minutes of the Daughters work of the Annual and General Assemblies.

She shall handle all official correspondence of the organization (letters, notices, etc.) and she shall keep a permanent file of all such correspondences.

She shall receive all monies that come under the jurisdiction of the general body of Daughters and make an accurate account of the same before turning over such funds to Grand Mary (Treasurer).

Grand Mary (Treasurer)

It is the duty of Grand Mary to faithfully hold the funds of the Daughters of Jerusalem and Sisters of Mercy which have been given into her care.  She shall receive the funds from the Grand Martha, giving a receipt for the same, and deposit same in the bank.

Grand Storehouse Mistress

The Grand Storehouse Mistress is the head officer of the Daughters in the general storehouse.  She shall do everything in her power to maintain a storehouse for the General work of the Daughters of Jerusalem and Sisters of Mercy to be an example for Storehouse Mistresses in the local auxiliaries.

The Grand Storehouse Mistress is to instruct the local storehouse mistresses regarding the receipts of all donations of food and clothing for later disbursement to those in need.  Local storehouse mistresses are to report to her all monies and packages received as well as monies and articles donated from the storehouse.

Grand Exhorter    

The Grand Exhorter is the official head of the Exhorters (daughters who instruct, advise and counsel) and Sister Elders. It shall be the duty of the Exhorter to instruct, counsel, and advise in all matters pertaining to our moral and spiritual interest; to inspire and arouse a sense of duty and responsibility in moral obligation and character building.